Serbian constitutional referendum, 1992


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A referendum on Serbia's state symbols was held on May 31, 1992 in Serbia to decide the republic's flag, coat of arms and the anthem. The referendum failed as the electoral response was insufficient.

For the republic's flag, the choice was to keep the Serbian flag with a red star as in socialist times or to remove it.[1] For the coat of arms, the choice was to keep the Serbian shield with firesteels and cross or to include the bicephalic eagle of the House of Nemanjić.[1] For the republic's anthem, Bože pravde and Marš na Drinu were offered.[1] The results showed a majority of voters preferred keeping the red star on the flag, to keep the Serbian shield with firesteels, and to choose Marš na Drinu as the anthem.[2]

Despite the referendum's failure and the contrary result of those who did vote, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia recommended[3] the removal of the red star from the Serbian flag on June 21, 1992.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Skrozza, Tamara; Grujičić, Nebojša (2003-02-13). "Simboli Državne Zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora : Plavo i plavetno na paragvajski način – English: Symbols of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro : Blue and Bluish in the Paraguay Style" (in Serbian). Nedeljnik Vreme – Issue No. 632. Belgrade: Vreme. Retrieved 2009-06-22. 
  2. ^ "Svi naši referendumi – English: All our referendums" (in Serbian). Novi Sad: Radio-televizija Vojvodine. 2008-03-06. Retrieved 2009-06-22. 
  3. ^ "Preporuka o korišćenju zastave Republike Srbije – English: Recommendation on Use of the Flag of the Republic of Serbia" (in Serbian). Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia – No. 49/1992 (1188). JP Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije. 1992-06-21. p. 1666. Retrieved 2009-06-22.